Indefinable Folks (2016-2019)

Andrew Tay, Joey Eddy, Vanessa Kimmons, Kate Nankervis, Will Ellis and Robert Kingsbury

Blurring the lines between a wild party and rigorous physical research, these artists find joy in uncomfortable situations. This queer body experience explores the power dynamics between dancers and choreographer as an exciting possibility for spectacle. Working with skin and flesh as material - trying to make visible the workable space between us all - this is a subversive and playful repurposing of the rehearsal process as a choreographic gesture; avoiding theatricality for real decision-making that pushes the boundaries of what a performance can be.

Indefinable Folks is a performance collective between Montreal and Toronto with Joey Eddy, William Ellis, Robert Kingsbury, Kate Nankervis and Andrew Tay.

Lighting and Production: Karine Gauthier

Sculpture: Francois Lalumiere

Outside Eye: Ame Henderson and Angie Cheng.

Earlier presentations and support by TO Love-In’s PS: we are all here and Rhubarb Festival in 2016. 

Production Residencies at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre and Montreal’s Tangente Danse 2019. 

Project supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council.

Premiere 2019, Tangente Danse.


harbinger // Ame Henderson (2018-2019)


The Red Film// Sara Cwynar with Marie Lambin Gagnon (2018)